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The 15-minute city concept aims to make essential amenities reachable within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from home.

If effectively implemented, this could promote sustainable transportation, foster vibrant urban environments, and reduce vehicular congestion and emissions.

0 GPS traces

from people across 420 US cities to assess how close we are to this ideal.

15-minute city signatures

Color indicates the percentage of trips in each neighborhood that fall within 15 minutes.
Length shows the total number of trips taken in each neighborhood.

New York

Population: 19.8M


Population: 4.3M


Population: 6.1M

Neighborhoods with higher amenity access also have higher 15-minute trip rates

Our research also highlights potential socio-economic challenges of the 15-minute city.
In lower-income neighborhoods, local living may increase segregation by limiting
exposure to socio economically diverse interactions.

Harness the 15-minute index to shape walkable, livable cities.

Principal investigator

Carlo Ratti MIT Senseable City Lab
Edward Glaeser Harvard University


Timur Abbiasov
Cate Heine
Sadegh Sabouri
Arianna Salazar-Miranda
Paolo Santi


Diego Morra (lead)
Arianna Salazar-Miranda
Fábio Duarte

In collaboration with

Center for Design, Northeastern University
Pedro Cruz (Lead)
Nicholas Pietrinferno

For more information


Abbiasov, T., Heine, C., Sabouri, S., Salazar-Miranda, A., Santi, P., Glaeser, E., & Ratti, C. (2024). The 15-minute city quantified using human mobility data. Nature Human Behaviour.

Ratti, C., Salazar-Miranda, A. (2024). Can 15-minute cities work in America? Bloomberg CityLab
Ratti, C., Florida, R. (2021). The 15-minute city meets human needs but leaves desires wanting. Here’s why. World Economic Forum
Ratti, C., Florida, R. (2021). ‘15-minute cities’ are now all the rage, but are they ultimately limiting? The Independent